Visiting Lowe Art Museum: Practicing VTS on Site

Carlos Alfonzo, A Tongue to Utter and Ballerinas

The students were scheduled to visit the Lowe Art Museum, one of the oldest and most important museums in South Florida with a collection of 19,000 art pieces. They were divided in three groups in order to practice their VTS. The practice sessions were facilitated by Curators of Education, among them Jodi Sypher. These are two of the pieces we observed.

                                                                Pieter de Grebber (1600-53), 
                                                     Unequal Lovers (The trapped thief), 
                                                               1650, oil on canvas

We were also video taped by Mr. Wise Clairyovant from UM Enrollment's Marketing Team, who filmed about 20 minutes of B roll of the class for an Admission's promo video which will feature our TAL 324 students.  


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