Music-Making with Random Instruments

Concepts Explored

the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.

a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.

In music and music theory, the beat is the basic unit of time, the pulse, of the mensurable level. The beat is often defined as the rhythm listeners would tap their toes to when listening to a piece of music, or the numbers a musician counts while performing, though in practice this may be technically incorrect.

Percussion instrument is a musical instrument that is sounded by being struck or scraped by a beater; struck, scraped or rubbed by hand; or struck against another similar instrument. The percussion family is believed to include the oldest musical instruments, following the human voice.

Wind Instruments are typically grouped into two families: Brass instruments (horns, trumpets, trombones, euphoniums, and tubas) Woodwind instruments (recorders, flutes, oboes, clarinets, saxophones, and bassoons)

Musical Ensemble
Also known as a music group or musical group, an ensemble is a group of people who perform instrumental or vocal music, with the ensemble typically known by a distinct name. Some music ensembles consist solely of instruments, such as the jazz quartet or the orchestra.


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