Performing Arts: Script, Sketch, Photographing, Recording


Ten Seconds Left
(Stoni, Kosi, Derrick, Mark, Gurvin)

Lesson Plan


(Becca Barron, Brian Bolanos, Sydney Menack, Scott Patchan, Kyle Cunningham, Irene Castro, Lorenzo Lingard)

Two princes were in love and got engaged.  Harry’s father did not approve of the two mens love.  He did not want Jackson and Harry to be wed.  Jackson’s mothers were thrilled with the engagement and very supportive of the two young men.  Harry could only turn to his trusted pet cow for advice on how to proceed.  At the end, the two men were married after deciding that their happiness was the most important thing.  Harry’s father did not attend the wedding, but his trusted cow would not have missed for the world.  The two men lived happily ever after.  The end. 

We would use this lesson plan for senior high school students in Acting I.  

(Cydney, Danielle, Jarred, Julia, Laryssa)

Danielle, Cydney, and Julia are BFFLS. Laryssa is also in their friend group, but constantly finding herself left out. Laryssa is more into schoolwork and soccer. Danielle, Cydney and Julia like to gossip and are Instagram famous. Laryssa is nice to everyone at school and well-liked. Laryssa is best friends with Jared. They do everything together. Jared and Danielle have been dating for 3 months now. However, Julia sent Danielle a picture last Friday of Jared and Laryssa flirting. Danielle then meant to send a snapchat of the photo saying “Laryssa is a man stealer.” She meant to send the snapchat to Cydney and Julia only – but the snapchat accidentally was posted to her story for 4 hours before she noticed. Laryssa’s feelings were deeply hurt, and the girls had to apologize. Danielle did not mean to make Laryssa feel poorly – however technology can truly hurt peoples feelings if used in the wrong way. 


Skit: a short comedy sketch or piece of humorous writing, especially a parody. Also, a short informal performance intended to educate or inform. Example: "theater department students will create skits about bullying and go to each elementary school to perform them.

Script: the written text of a play, movie, or broadcast.

Blocking:  a scene is simply “working out the details of an actor's moves in relation to the camera.”

Recording: the action or process of recording sound or a performance for subsequent reproduction or broadcast.

Plotthe main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.

Parts of the PlotThe parts of a plot in a story include the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.

Mimesis: Imitation or representation

Catharsis: A purge, specifically of emotions


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