Collage: The Ethnosphere

The class was introduced to National Geographic's Explorer Wade Davis who teaches about what calls the ethnosphere, a word he uses to describe the imaginative contributions of humanity to the planet. He makes emphasis on people's stories. They are global resources, just like air, water, and green life.  Just like the biosphere, the ethnosphere is also threatened by rampant modernization and globalization. 


Collage is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.


Stoni, NKosi, Derreck, Mark

Lesson Theme

Nature and Culture: Accepting Human Diversity

For today's lesson we thought it was important to emphasize nature and culture. Today, we live in a society where, there is heavy racial tension. It is important to expose our students to different cultures; in that way they learn to be more accepting of human diversity. The use of technology is also very prevalent in our society. It is crucial that as educators we teach our students that nature is beautiful in fun and creative ways. Making a collage allows students to learn without having to use technology. 

Brian, Becca, Danielle, Irene

Lesson Theme

Green: Identifying Nature's Colors 

The objective of our lesson will be to identify the diversity of the color green in society and nature. The learning activity is to make a collage of pictures where the color green is displayed in all its diversity. We have used a box for our collage hoping the students will go outdoors, to the garden, and collect natural elements that have different tonalities of green to then deposit them in the box. A further lesson will bring attention to how these green elements turn to brown as part of the natural process of decomposition by which organic substances are broken down into a more simple organic matter. 

Julia N., Jared, Kyle, Scott

Lesson Theme

Iceland's Ecosystem: Environmental Diversity and Water

Our lesson plan depicts the diversity of the environment and shows the different parts that make up the ecosystem. The pictures in our collage specifically show different parts of Iceland. The various parts of nature shown here, make up the Icelandic country.  This also shows how important water is for the environment and the impact it has on nature.


Mina, Julia, Andera, Demi

Lesson Theme

Plugging out our Phones and Plugging into Nature

Our lesson plan is going to teach children how to use arts and crafts to send out important messages. Our collage is about the environment,  nature and how it is up to us humans to save it. It is also about climate change and global warming and how these two affect the environment, the flora and the fauna of our planet. Most humans may say they love nature and animals, however, there is not enough the protection and conservation of them depends on the concerted efforts of all. Our collage is expressing the need for all humans to find a balance between appreciating our natural environment and using technology.


Julia C., Laryssa, Bella, Alex

Lorenzo Lingard, Sydney Menack, Nicole Newton,


Tales of the Ethnosphere. UTNE Reader,


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