Sound Art: Creating a Lesson Plan & Refreshing Concepts

How The Sound Effects In 'A Quiet Place' Were Made | Movies Insider


Group Members: Alyssa, Michaela, Megan

Making Sounds

Educational Goal: 
By the end of this lesson students should be able to understand sound and make meaning of sound outside of this music.

Objective: Students learn how to make a 30 second sound segment using at least 3 different found objects to make sound.

In class, students will view a video on sound art then they will he instructed to use their found objects to make a 30 second sound segment.

Students will be graded on their sound segments based on the amount of objects they use and the effort they put into making it.


Group Members: Laryssa, Danielle, Jared

Nature and Music

Students will be encouraged to interact with nature through music.

Students will learn how to create music using 5 different objects found in nature.

Students will do this by putting together a variety of found objects (1 per student), and create a rhythm with these that will last at least 20 seconds.

This activity taught us how to teach a lesson because we had to establish an objective for the students. We had to decide what was going to be the end goal of the activity and how it would be measured. We provided guidelines such as students working in a group to find objects in nature that can create individual sounds. These sounds would then be played together for at least 20 seconds in order to establish a rhythm.


Group Members: Becca,  Brian, Sydney, Irene


Get students to use creativity with objects and work together to make sounds.

The students will learn how to create sounds by combining three-four different items that are readily available to them.

Content - we made a rhythm out of four different objects that all sound different when separate but when our together make a new sound.

Have students use at least 4 items to create sounds, if they do not use at least 4 items, take 10 points off of their grade.

Materials: Ring, book, pen, and keys


Group Members: Kyle, Scott

Rhythm Using Sounds

Students will learn how to create rhythm using sounds from 5 objects collected from home.

Lesson Content: 
The lesson would be to bring in an object from home that creates a unique sound. Using that object we can create a group song. We can experiment changing tempo, speeds, and even the different sounds you can make with that one object. The collected sounds would be combined to show the students what actually be done by using only objects from home. This will help to expand their creative minds, surprise them and hopefully inspire them.

Assessment: Students will at least use 5 objects to create five different sounds.


Group Members: Amy Grundleger, Julia Ciardullo, Cyd G

Telent Music Show

The students will learn how to make use of five objects beyond their definite/ everyday use by creating a specific sound that fits to their perception.

We used different objects from all aspects of life you wouldn’t originally use together but since we aren’t defining what “sound” and music is and the beat made sense it is a fun activity. We would have a “talent music show” with just sounds they can make from music they can find on the classroom. Teaches confidence and creativity, learn about sounds. Students will be able to make sounds with everyday objects and have a deeper thinking about sound and how its made.

Students would need to come together with five different objects and create a rhythm/ sound that suits their rhythmic mind.

Straw, keys, and pens.


Group Members: Tate Martell, B.J. Jennings

From Sound to Silence

Objective: Students will learn how to collect six different sounds from the environment and record them to create a contrast between sound and silence.


Student will identify the following sounds: 

  1. Go to water fountain
  2. Bushes
  3. Metal Tapping
  4. Sandals Sliding on the ground
  5. Machine engine
  6. Door opening and closing

Students will go outside and walk around to be able to find these different sounds. This activity may help students realize if they like to listen to sounds while learning about the environment and silence.


Students would need to come together with six different identifiable objects and create six sounds followed by silence.


water, nature, metal, sandals, machine engine, door



Making Sounds - Alyssa, Michaela, Megan

From Sound to Silence -Tate Martell and  B.J. Jennings

Refreshing Concepts

  1. According to Kenneth Robinson, what is Creativity?
  2. Define the concept of Intelligence?
  3. What is conceptual art?
  4. Describe the difference between readymades and found objects.
  5. Explain the Japanese idea of Wabi Sabi.
  6. How does nature art (environmental art) relate to the concept of embodiment?
  7. How does concept of ethnoecology relate to the collages we made in class?
  8. How does VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) help students to learn?


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