Artificial Intelligence: Using Storytelling to Counteract Touchscreen Devices

Artificial Intelligence

"To learn, according to the Merriam Webster's Dictionary, is  to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction or experience. This is different; however, than psychology of learning theory. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, learning theory is a relatively permanent change in the behavioral potentiality that occurs as a result of reinforced practice."

What Can Arts Teachers Do?

Continue Exposing Children to Art Making

Classic Fairy-tales


Snapshots, a casual photograph made typically by an amateur with a small handheld camera, were taken with an iPhone by the different teams to photograph tableau-like scenes of their chosen fairy-tales. The snapshots substitute the old fashion story-board used to organize the scenes of a movie. This activity allow students to create scenes that when put in order can tell the story in images. This can further help the director to organize the play and develop as sense of beginning, middle and end.


3 Little Pigs



The Boy Who Cried Wolf


Fairy-Tale: A fairy tale, wonder tale, magic tale, or Märchen is a folklore genre that takes the form of a short story. Such stories typically feature entities such as dwarfs, dragons, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, goblins, griffins, mermaids, talking animals, trolls, unicorns, or witches, and usually magic or enchantments.

SnapshotsSnapshot definition is - a casual photograph made typically by an amateur with a small handheld camera. How to use snapshot in a sentence.

Story-Board: A storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence. 

Tableau-VivantA tableau vivant, French for 'living picture', is a static scene containing one or more actors or models. They are stationary and silent, usually in costume, carefully posed, with props and/or scenery, and may be theatrically lit. It thus combines aspects of theatre and the visual arts.


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