
Showing posts from February, 2019

Performing Arts: Script, Sketch, Photographing, Recording

LINK: Classical Storytelling and Contemporary Screenwriting: Aristotle and the Modern Scriptwriter CLASS SKITS & LESSON PLANS Script Ten Seconds Left (Stoni, Kosi, Derrick, Mark, Gurvin) Lesson Plan LOVE IS LOVE (Becca Barron, Brian Bolanos, Sydney Menack, Scott Patchan, Kyle Cunningham, Irene Castro, Lorenzo Lingard) Two princes were in love and got engaged.  Harry’s father did not approve of the two mens love.  He did not want Jackson and Harry to be wed.  Jackson’s mothers were thrilled with the engagement and very supportive of the two young men.  Harry could only turn to his trusted pet cow for advice on how to proceed.  At the end, the two men were married after deciding that their happiness was the most important thing.  Harry’s father did not attend the wedding, but his trusted cow would not have missed for the world.  The two men lived happily ever after.  The end.  We would use this lesson plan for

Artificial Intelligence: Using Storytelling to Counteract Touchscreen Devices

Artificial Intelligence "To learn, according to the Merriam Webster's Dictionary, is  to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction or experience. This is different; however, than psychology of learning theory. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, learning theory is a relatively permanent change in the behavioral potentiality that occurs as a result of reinforced practice." LINK:  The Creative Person's Path by Eric Maisel What Can Arts Teachers Do? Continue Exposing Children to Art Making STORYTELLING Classic Fairy-tales CLASS SNAPSHOTS Snapshots,  a casual photograph made typically by an amateur with a small handheld camera, were taken with an iPhone by the different teams to photograph  tableau- like scenes of their chosen fairy-tales. The snapshots substitute the old fashion story-board used to organize the scenes of a movie. This activity allow students to create scenes that when put in order can

Sound Art: Creating a Lesson Plan & Refreshing Concepts

How The Sound Effects In 'A Quiet Place' Were Made | Movies Insider LESSON PLANS ----------------------------------- Group Members: Alyssa, Michaela, Megan Title:  Making Sounds Educational Goal:  By the end of this lesson students should be able to understand sound and make meaning of sound outside of this music. Objective: Students learn how to make a 30 second sound segment using at least 3 different found objects to make sound. Content:  In class, students will view a video on sound art then they will he instructed to use their found objects to make a 30 second sound segment. Assessment:  Students will be graded on their sound segments based on the amount of objects they use and the effort they put into making it. ------------------------------------ Group Members: Laryssa, Danielle, Jared Title:  Nature and Music Goal:   Students will be encouraged to interact with nature through music. Objective:  Student

Music-Making with Random Instruments

Concepts Explored Harmony the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect. Rhythm a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound. Beat In music and music theory, the beat is the basic unit of time, the pulse, of the mensurable level. The beat is often defined as the rhythm  listeners would tap their toes to when listening to a piece of music, or the numbers a musician counts while performing, though in practice this may be technically incorrect. Percussion P ercussion instrument is a musical instrument that is sounded by being struck or scraped by a beater; struck, scraped or rubbed by hand; or struck against another similar instrument. The percussion family is believed to include the oldest musical instruments, following the human voice. Wind Instruments  are typically grouped into two families: Brass  instruments  (horns, trumpets, trombones, euphoniums, and tubas)  Woo

Visiting Lowe Art Museum: Practicing VTS on Site

Carlos Alfonzo, A Tongue to Utter and Ballerinas The students were scheduled to visit the Lowe Art Museum, one of the oldest and most important museums in South Florida with a collection of 19,000 art pieces. They were divided in three groups in order to practice their VTS. The practice sessions were facilitated by Curators of Education, among them Jodi Sypher. These are two of the pieces we observed.                                                                  Pieter de Grebber (1600-53),                                                       Unequal Lovers (The trapped thief),                                                                 1650, oil on canvas We were also video taped by Mr. Wise Clairyovant from UM Enrollment's Marketing Team, who filmed about 20 minutes of B roll of the class for an Admission's promo video which will feature our TAL 324 students.  

Art Contemplation: Visual Thinking Strategies

Distinguish Guest of TAL 324, Jodi Sypher Our class was visited by Lowe Art Museum's Curator of Education Jodi Sypher, who introduced students to the concept of Visual Thinking Skills (VTS). What is Contemplation? It is t he action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time. Thus, art contemplation is the action of looking at a piece of art thoughtfully for a long time, as it happens when one is engaged in the practice of visual thinking strategies. Link:  How to Teach Visual Thinking Strategies to Your Students What is Visual Thinking Strategies? Visual Thinking Strategies is a popular teaching method initiated by teacher-discussions of art images, and is commonly documented for having positive effects of teachers and students. Today, VTS is used in museums, schools, universities and health institutions around the world, and as an organization, provides workshop training for educators. A Brief Intro to VTS "Visual Thinking St