Mini-Lessons 9,10,11: ASL, Basic Math Operations & Even and Odd Numbers


After the three mini-lessons were taught, we introduced the idea of Passion Projects in elementary school. Please click on the hyperlink for more information. Watch the video bellow for you to see an example of how to engage children in passion projects. At the end of the feedback on mini-lessons today, you will find a video on how it works from a teacher's point of view.




Laryssa was able to teach basic ideas about how to communicate using American Sign Language (ASL). Jared taught basic math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division through a group activity that required for each class member to solve a math operation and line up according to their individual result, from number 1 to 35. Finally, Julia C., taught Odd and Even numbers through an exercise she called "Counting by Twos" in which she call a simple math operation that the student had solve mentally.

Laryssa's Lesson Plan

Objective: Students will learn what deafness is and how to cope with it. Students will learn ASL sentence structure, the ASL alphabet, and how to sign their name. They will also learn the importance of ASL, deaf culture, and ASL in everyday life.




Paper of the alphabet in sign language




Paper of the alphabet in sign language

Differentiated Instruction Strategies: 

Everyone learns at difference paces, slow down the signs and really make sure the students perfect the hand signs as we go through the letters individually. Incorporate real-life simulations and fun videos for everyone to relate.


Students will learn what deafness and ASL are.
Students will hear what normal, mild, and moderate hearing loss sounds like.
Students will learn different ways to deal with deafness/hard of hearing such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and ASL. Also, they will know certain challenges that come along with each of these coping mechanisms.
Relatable and fun videos will be shown to the students so they will stay engaged while relating to the deaf culture.
I will teach the students each letter of sign in the alphabet as they look over their sheet of paper.
Students will be taught the correct sentence structure of ASL (TiToSuVe). They will practice putting English sentences into ASL order.
How to sign question words will be reinforced.
Each student will sign their name with the correct ASL order of introducing themselves.


Alphabet (A-Z)

Deafness/ Hard of Hearing

Cochlear Implant


Time, Topic, Subject, Verb

My name is = Name - My

Performance Assessment

Correctly sign their name
Correct ASL order of “my name is”

Sketchbook/Journal or Home Learning: 

Take the piece of paper home and try to do the alphabet in under 30 seconds!



Laryssa: This was a great presentation! She is a natural teacher. I loved the print out of the alphabet so we had something to look at and learn from and loved the idea of all of us having to sign our names. 

Jared: I really liked the activity Jared did at the end with having to solve our math problem and lineup. It allowed us to play a part in the activity and use our minds. 

Julia: Good and unique math presentation. I really liked the activity of throwing the candy around the room-fun way for the class to stay engaged and learn. 


Laryssa: I thought this was a great presentation; it included a well organized powerpoint with visuals, demonstrations and engaging activities.

Jared: I really enjoyed Jared's activity. I thought it was a great activity to include all basic math applications as well as get students thinking and moving.

Julia: I liked that Julia used manipulatives as well as had students count by 2's using both even and odd numbers. 


Larissa - I really liked learning sign language because in elementary school they did teach the alphabet briefly but I never retained it well enough besides my own name. I liked how enthusiastic it was and how organized her lesson was. 

Jared -  I enjoyed learning math even though math is my least favorite subject. He made it fun by including a group counting activity. His cookies were amazing!

Julia - I enjoyed learning how to add by 2's. She made it a fun activity by creating a game by quizzing the students in a fun way and with a candy reward.

Sydney M.

Larissa's presentation on ASL was informative and super helpful! Out of every presentation we have seen so far, hers was definitely the best in that she was able to effectively communicate information about ASL and provide a fun way for the class to learn a bit about it. Plus, I now know how to say my name in sign language which is helpful in the real world. 

Jared's presentation on basic math was fun and really good because it made us work together as a team to reach the common goal of creating a number line. Jared was informed on the subject he was teaching and made learning math fun!

Julia's presentation on counting by 2s was also really great! She got the room engaged by making everybody in the room participate and use their brains which helped us to grasp the subject better.


Larissa: loved learning something new! also great use of interactive materials and getting the class involved and the name game and also the mix of using videos too. 

Julia: I liked the chocolate and tossing game

Jared: loved the cookies and the colorful presentation


Laryssa: I liked how she picked a topic that she was passionate about. She had a great command of the classroom & she wanted the students to demonstrate they learned what she was teaching them. 

Jared: I liked how Jared had a nice presentation to go along with his lesson. 

Julia: I liked how she had key concepts/definitions she wanted us to grasp for her lesson. It showed that the lesson had structure.

Julia R.

Larissa’s presentation was perfect. Very easy to understand and follow along! I really liked the background info she gave on deafness and then the sign language videos.

Jared’s presentation was good.

Julia’s presentation was great because the candy made it easy to visualize and the addition really made sense.


I absolutely loved this presentation, it was my favorite so far. She seemed like an expert in the topic and did a very good job teaching about it without sounding superior. 

Jared: Jared was great! It was a good overall discussion on each method of math.

Julia: The class was collaborative and entertaining. I enjoyed it.


Lesson 1: I really liked this lesson because it was a unique lesson plan and one that was really helpful. It taught us the sign language alphabet so we could interact and communicate more efficiently. 

Lesson 2: I really liked this lesson because it started with a power point going over what we were learning and then had a heads on activity to show that we learned it. The cookies were also amazing!!

Lesson 3: I really liked this lesson because it did a good job of starting off slow and then progressing into a more advanced and more fun activity of the lesson. 

I thought all these lesson were really good and did a great job of instructing and being hands on! 


Laryssa: I really enjoyed Laryssa’s lesson. She began with a lot of information of not just ALS, but deafness which was extremely interesting. I then loved how we all learned to sign our name!

Jared: I thought Jared’s lesson was really well done. The powerpoint was very informational and the activity was even better. Getting in a number line allowed us to be actively engaged and learn many facts!

Julia: I enjoyed Julia’s presentation a lot! The visual representation of the Hershey kisses were extremely helpful in visualizing counting my twos and the other activity was very engaging!


Larissa: it honestly could not have been better. Great lesson! I love learning about ASL!

Juliet: super interactive way to learn how to count in general and how to count by two. I liked the way she taught the class and wouldn’t change anything!


Larissa: I loved learning about sign language! It's something that everyone needs to learn about and respect. Her passion for it is really obvious, and I liked learning how to sign my name and that we get to keep the letters. 

#2: I liked how he had us line up for the math lesson! It shows he put time into the assessment and activity. 

Julia: I liked how she taught us about prime and even numbers and the lining up against the wall activity was cool! 


Laryssa: Her lesson was greatly thought out and very interesting! 

Julia: Her lesson was greatly thought out and the activities were fun! 


1. Laryssa

I personally thought that Laryssa was the best teacher we have seen in class so far. She was able to control the glass without the incentive of sugar, and teach a really valuable lesson. The printed out sheets were a great touch to the lesson plan.

2. Jared

Jared’s presentation was extremely well organized and he was able to engage the class by making them get out of their seats and interact. 

3. Julia

Julia was able to command the attention of her students and teach them in a way that was easy to understand for a child. She also made students get out of their seats which was fun and interactive. I was impressed by her sternness. 


Today’s lesson plans were the best our class has seen so far! 

Laryssa- very enjoyable and fascinating especially getting to hear what it would be like to be hard of hearing. It really helped you learn how to sign your name by being put on the spot and having to do it in front of the class.

Jared- very fun and a good activity to have to figure out where you belong on the number line. The cookies were phenomenal! But, this is not typically something a teacher would bring to class.

Julia- very well planned and fun. I loved having to think fast and catch the chocolate at the same time. 

Julia N.

Larissa's presentation was really well organized because she clearly explained sign language and taught us how to say our names. 

Jared's presentation on math was also well explained with the problems he gave us and his cookies were amazing. 

Julia's presentation on math was interactive so she kept the class entertained. 


I liked that both lessons used some sort of incentive such as candies or games to make the class excited about the lessons. It also helped us to grasp the concept better. I also liked that at the end of each lesson both presenters asked us as the students what we liked about their lesson and if it helped us. It allowed us to give them feedback on what they did well and what they could improve on in the future.


First presenter:
I liked how she projected her voice and spoke clearly, it was easy to understand and pay attention to. I also liked how she explained her topic and then showed listening examples and visuals that supported her topic. The videos were interesting and entertaining. It was a great lesson and she gave good information. The exercise she had us do was helpful in grasping the concept. 

Second presenter:
His topic was basic math and the activity he had us do at the end of the lesson was good because it allowed us to interact and learn. 

Last presenter: 
I liked how she smiled and was welcoming and started out by asking questions related to her topic. The 3 different activities were really well put together and made learning fun. 


Limit the use of the PowerPoint tow a few minutes to keep the students' focus.

Keep instruction entertaining, fast and within the 20 min. time frame.

Keep your self-confidence during presentation of subject.

Be aware of your audience. For instance, when teaching very basic Math skills on a 1st or 2nf grade level, the operations given were too high level for that age group.

Math concepts need to be taught step by step. Learning how to multiply and divide, for instance, are complex concepts that need to be taught gradually.

Talk slower and for the visual learner, show/illustrate concepts such as multiplication and division on the board.

The Math concepts could have been taught through a group activity with multiple math problems and individual counting using manipulatives.

An interesting idea is not letting people talk while they line up, so they have to show others their card or act out their number to line up. 

Instead of using chocolate for second graders, an alternative to sugar could be to use cool looking erasers and stickers. 


After the three mini-lessons were taught, we introduce the idea of passion projects in elementary school.


  1. I thought thessons were great and was very descriptive and i think anybody could learn from the presentation easily beacause the are well exsplained and very detailed.


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