8 Actions to Create a Movement Phrase / MDCPS Lesson Plan Template

Hampshire College • Mettler Archive . Creative Dance for Children, pt. 1

D a n c e   L e s s o n   P l a n s

School: University of Miami – Tate Martell, Mark Pope, Gurvan Hall, Alyssa Greaney

Start Date:        3/4/19                                                   Time:   4:00                             
Music Unit:       Dance                                                   Room:     308 A                                 

Objectives                                                        NGSSS/Common Core State Standards (over)
The student will:
Be able to dance creatively using eight dance moves of their choice. This goal will be obtained by the students’ performance of the 8 dance moves. 

Activities / Strategies:

Students will choose 8 action words from a list of 20 to create a phrase that they will use to teach their dance to the class. 

Assessment / Evaluation:
participation                    ___ quiz                                                ___ written assignment                                      group
performance                    ___ class                               ___ Individual                                                      ___ unit test


2. Twisting               

3. Walking               

4. Skipping              

5. Running               

6. Turning

7. Jumping

8. Shaking


rehearsal          performance
__instrument        __rhythm
__game                 __theory
__sing                    __other

Concepts / Skills:

__form                    __rhythm
__style                  __melody                        
__theory                               __harmony
__singing              __listening
__technique         __sight-singing       
__playing  instruments
__expressive characteristics

ESOL Strategies:

G -  Games
R - Role Play
S -  Substitutions
CT -  Cloze Technique
SR -  Simple Repetition
MR -  Music & Rhythm
VC -  Vocabulary in context
CC -  Controlled Composition
CoD - Completion Drills
ChD - Chain Drills
LEA – Language Experience
TPR – Total Physical Response
WGIR – Whole Group to Individual 
DRFR – Direct to Free Response
VAKT – Visual, Auditory,
                   Kinesthetic, Tactual

Integrated Curriculum: 
Fluency / vocabulary
print orientation comprehension
social studies


School: Sunshine Elementary: Amy, Julia C., Danielle, Andrea

Start Date: 03/03/19                                                         Time: 1:00 PM-1:30 PM
Music Unit: Dance Class                                                Room: 1B

Objectives                                                        NGSSS/Common Core State Standards (over)

The student will learn how to dance a creative phrase using 8 of the different moves that are given: stretching, swinging, bending, shaking, turning, walking, skipping and hopping. 

The students will then be asked to perform the dance alongside the teacher. 

Activities / Strategies:

·        The teacher will create a dance phrase consisting of 8 different moves. He or she will then perform the dance alone for a room of students. The teacher will then teach the dance to the students, and rehearse it 10 times together. After everyone has danced alongside the teacher, the students will be asked to partner up and perform the dance for the class. The students will then be graded on how many of the dance moves they could remember. 


If the students can perform 8/8 out of the moves then they will receive an A. 

If the students can perform 6/8 of the moves they will receive a B. 

If the students can perform 4/8 of the moves they will receive a C. 

If the students cannot perform more than 3/8 moves then he/she will receive an F.


School: University of Miami: Alex, Julia N., Jared, and Bob 

Start Date:3/4/19                                                                       Time:                                      
Music Unit:                                                                   Room:                                      

Objectives                                                        NGSSS/Common Core State Standards (over)
The student will: Learn how to perform an interactive dance with 8 movements with a partner. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activities / Strategies:

We will teach a serious of 8 movements and have them repeat it after us. We will begin by performing it with counts and then we will pair it to music.  
Assessment / Evaluation:
_Y__participation                                ___ quiz                                                ___ written assignment                                      ___ group
_Y_ performance                                ___ class                               ___ Individual                                                      ___ unit test




4.Open and Close   






Names: Sydney Menack, Becca Barron, Brian Bolanos, Kyle Cunningham

 Start Date:                                                                    Time:                                      
Music Unit:                                                                   Room:                                      

Objectives                                                        NGSSS/Common Core State Standards (over)
The student will: learn how to dance by creating 8 movements using everyday simple steps

Activities / Strategies:

We used the 8 steps – stretching, shaking to a drop, slithering back up, turning and leaping, twisting and walking away and taught these movements to the class by demonstrating each move one at a time through a rehearsal and then added music to bring it all together and teach them our phrase.

 Assessment / Evaluation:
__x_ participation                                ___ quiz                                                ___ written assignment                                      ___ group
_x__ performance                              __x_ class                             ___ Individual     


1. stretch               
2. shake    

3. drop     

4. slither   

5. turn       

6. leap

7. twist

8. walk


_x_rehearsal        _x_performance
__instrument        _x_rhythm
__game                 __theory
__sing                    __other

Concepts / Skills:

_x_form                  _x_rhythm
_x_style                __melody                        
__theory                               __harmony
__singing              _x_listening
_x_technique       __sight-singing       
__playing  instruments
_x_expressive characteristics

Materials / Songs: 
“Please don’t stop the music” – Rihanna

Home Learning / Events: 
Practice x                              Concert


Bradly Jennings, Derrick Smith, Lorenzo Lingard and Irene Castro

Objective: students will learn how to dance by creating 8 movements into a phrase. 

Activities/strategies: teacher will teach students 8 different movements into a phrase. The eight movements are: 
Run drop stretch walk jump turn twist open and closing 
Teach each movement slowly once or twice without music and ask students to follow along. Then incorporate moves along with a soundtrack “pop that” by Twolive crew and ask students to dance along. 

Assessment: students will be able to learn 8 different movements and dance along to a “pop that” by Twolive crew in time and rhythm. 



Tate Martell, Mark Pope, Gurvan Hall, Alyssa Greaney

This lesson taught us how to create a more formal lesson plan. By using this lesson plan, we will be able to make a clearer, organized lesson in the future and better understand what we should be including. In addition to the lesson plan formatting, this lesson also taught us how to incorporate creativity into our lessons as teachers. By implementing a small dance in the beginning of class, we are allowing our students to move around and hopefully regain focus to better their overall academic achievement. 

Amy, Danielle, Julia C, Andrea

This class prepared us for our individual presentations by providing us with a template to follow for our own presentations. It allowed us to see what works and what doesn't work when teaching a class and how to get and keep everyone's attention during the lesson.


Becca, Kyle, Sydney, Brian

Our group activity today helped us to prepare for our final lesson plan by showing us what we need to do to gain the class’ attention and incorporating a written lesson plan into our practice.  

Julia Rosenblum, Scott Patchan, Mina Rhee

Response to activities: we learned how to incorporate movement into the daily lesson plan. In this way, we can encourage the students to think creatively as they use their body to flow and bounce to the beat of the music. This activity is beneficial for not just young students, but all kids in the school system to learn to think creatively and beyond the confounds of school desk. 



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