Mini-Lessons 3,4,5: Nutrition, Sorting and Football

Amy G. facilitating her lesson on Sorting

Today Nkosi, Amy and Mark taught lessons in Food Groups, Sorting Candy and The Game of Football respectively. The three of them practiced their teaching skills, interacted with the class through learning activities and accomplished their diverse objectives.

Class Feedback



Kosi did a good job of helping give people basic information about health. He gave interesting facts and also set up a fun quiz to have everyone interacting. 


This was a fun one because there wasn’t much work but it involved candy and having to make it into categories. 


This was good for people that are wanting a basic understanding of football and they got to see what the football looks like and feels like.


1: love learning more about what my temple (body) needs good concept to have half the plate fruits and vegetables.

2:loved the candy

3: good getting the prop (football).


Lesson 1: I really enjoyed this presentation about healthy eating and the food groups I think the kahoot quiz at the end was a fun and interactive way of testing knowledge without making anyone feel bad since it only showed the top 5. 

Lesson 2: This presentation was fun because kids would get very excited about being able to use food in the lesson. 

Lesson 3: I liked this presentation because he brought up other students in the class to help him teach the lesson and it made it more interactive and fun.


First presenter- I liked the kahoot game we played as a class. It was a good way to stay focused during the lesson to make sure you were able to answer the questions correctly and it was a fun way to learn the information. 

Second presenter- She used a candies which is a creative way to learn. It’s a way to catch the students attention. 

Last presenter- I liked how he used examples to show visuals of how to play the game. 


Kosi’s was very informational and helpful. He thoroughly went through all of the important details and facts about nutrition and made a fun activity by quizzing the class through a fun trivia game that made the classroom competitive but exciting. 

Amy was informational and hands on. I liked this one because not only did we learn how to group things by color, texture, and shape, and flavors but we also got rewarded by being able to have the candy as a treat at the end which is helpful and fun for any age of audience

Mark’s was informational and he taught us the a good general idea on how to play football and throw a football. I liked that it was hands on so we could learn how to hold the football.


Nkosi: I thought the powerpoint he put together was colorful and informative. It included great content and also a lot of eye-catching visuals. I also think that the Kahoot was a great assessment method for this class.

Amy: I thought using the candy was a good idea for the subject she was teaching.

Mark: I thought the lesson content was fun and different then most subjects normally taught.


 Nkosi: I liked the Kahoot quiz he prepared. Kahoot’s are always fun and a good way to engage the audience. 

Amy: I really liked Amy’s use of candy to get the class excited and engaged. Her concept of sorting and grouping was good for elementary age students and I think she did a good job implementing and explaining it.

Mark: I liked how Mark incorporated his own sport into teaching the class. Bringing the football in was a good idea to be able to actually show how to hold, catch, etc. 


Nkosi: I liked how he incorporated the Kahoot into his lesson. It was a fun way to test what we learned without being serious.

Amy: I like how she had an interactive activity with her lesson. 

Mark: I like how Mark took a different approach and had the class interact with their physical intelligence. It was different and I liked how interactive his activity. 



I thought that the content was interesting and i liked how the kahoot involved the entire class.  

      grouping and sorting:

I really enjoyed the activity that Amy lead the class in.  it was a good way to be involved in the group and keep everyone engaged.  


i enjoyed the way mark had the entire class on their feet and having fun throughout his lesson. 


I liked N’kosi Kahoot it really helped his presentation. 

I also like how Amy brought candy to class and that helped draw attention to her. 

Mark’s presentation was interesting and fun.

Julia R

I liked the way Nkosi included the game at the end because it was fun and interactive.

I liked the way Amy used familiar materials but made us think outside the box.

I liked the way Pope demonstrated each thing and then we copied the motion.


I really enjoyed the Kahoot quiz at the end of the powerpoint in order to test and reiterate the information that we learned from the powerpoint. 

I also liked how Amy used candy to get students engaged and actually visualize how to organize things. 

The last presentation about football was very informative because it is something I have never learned before. 

Julia C.

For N’kosi’s lesson I liked his overall message. I think there is so much obesity in America and he touched upon a serious issue that needs to be resolved in some way shape or form therefore starting this type of education at a young age is smart. In addition, his kahoots activity was interactive and engaging.  

For Amy’s lesson I liked the creativity she implemented. Using actual objects to teach her lesson helped visualize the end result. 

For mark’s lesson I liked how he implemented his everyday life and activity into a lesson plan.


Nkosi did very well with the nutrition. His activity was fun. 

Amy was great at communicating. 

Mark taught a fun lesson about football. 


I really enjoyed the game that Kosi had the class play, it was really fun competing to answer questions about his lesson.

Amy did a great job... I loved how she gave us candy to sort. I wish she would have made us brainstorm more creative ways to sort the candies. 


Nkosi's lesson plan was extremely interactive and beneficial for children to be taught. It was apparent that he prepared in advance and the learning game at the end tested the knowledge of the students.

Amy's lesson plan was well done. Organization and sorting is a life long skill that all people can benefit from practicing. The activity engages students well because candy is much more fun to sort than non-edible objects. The goal of the activity was well stated.


Today's presentations were all very good. 

Kosi's presentation was very informative. the Kahoot at the end was a very fun way to test our knowledge. 

Amy's presentation was a hands on activity for the whole class to do in groups. 

Marks presentation was a fun group activity for the whole class to participate in. 


Nkosi: I liked the Kahoot it was very entertaining. 

Amy: Amy’s activity was fun but I wouldve made the lesson a bit longer and shown examples of why Organization and Grouping is a beneficial life skill/tool.


I liked the free candy reward after Amy’s presentation.

I liked the kosi’s presentation and the way he tried to reaffirm the lesson with the kahoot game. 
I liked the way mark tried to bring a lifestyle of football to the class room. 


N’Kosi- I thought this was a great presentation and very informative. I enjoyed the use of Kahoot for the assessment as it made it a fun way to learn the information further.

Amy- I thought she did great and made it fun by us getting to eat the candy after. It was easy and simple .

Mark- I thought everyone enjoyed this because it was a fun time and we got hands on with the football. 


Kosi Perry:
I liked how he picked a topic that he's passionate about and how he made it personal by saying what he likes or does not like. I also really like how he incorporated a Kahoot, it's such a great way to involve students in this generation. I wouldn't change anything.

I liked how she made it interactive and how she broke us into groups, and then gave us feedback on our creativity. And that she let us keep the candy. I wouldn't change anything.

I like that he picked a topic that he knows really well, and that he described it well for people who don't understand football as well as he does. He made it personal by talking about his position and how each specific position/moment changes for him on the field. He also let us all play with the football and practice throwing, which was cool. I wouldn't change anything. 


Lesson #1: I liked that’s the first lesson incorporated candy. It was a great way to get people excited about the topic. The subject was also beneficial because it related to organization which is something that is very important especially for busy college students. 

Lesson #2: I liked that the second lesson was personable to Mark. He plays football so it was nice to see him give a lesson about something that is important to him. 


Work on keeping students focused 

Control behaviors.

Include audiovisuals.

Explain the rules of the game more than the physical aspects.

Use more objects to add more creativity to the sorting process. 

It would have been good to go outside to learn football.
Project voice more, more animated and interesting. 

Learn  PowerPoint as opposed to read off of it in order to catch the audience's attention. 

Time lesson to last the full 20 minutes.

Give enough information to support objective and content.

Act more enthusiastic while presenting and engaging with the class.

 Diversify manipulatives (caramels) in order to sort more effectively.

More organized lesson plan in the future to go off of.  

Make the presentation more interactive. 

Bringing a mini football for each group to practice what we learned. 

I would actually give a prize like he said he would. 

Explain each players position in detail to have students play better. 
Throw the ball around to assess if the class properly learned how to catch and hold the ball.

Stay clear objectives.


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