Integrating the Arts with the Regular Curriculum

Art Works: Integrating Creativity in the Curriculum


Sydney Menack

Lesson Plan: Coffee Around the World

Start Date:                                                                    Time:                                      
Music Unit:                                                                   Room:                                     

Content Area:

Grade Level:

Objectives                                                        NGSSS/Common Core State Standards (over)
The student will: learn about the different types of ways that coffee is made and enjoyed by people in different countries all over the world. In doing so, they will learn a bit of history about the cultures that created these different ways to enjoy coffee.______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activities / Strategies:

To learn about the different types of coffee found around the world in a fun and interactive way, the students will be grouped into groups of 3 attribute one noise or sound with each form of coffee and will then perform these sounds to the class. 

Assessment / Evaluation:
__x_ participation                                ___ quiz                                                ___ written assignment                                      __x_ group
__x_ performance                              ___ class                               ___ Individual                         ___ 


_x_rehearsal        _x_performance
__instrument        _x_rhythm
__game                 __theory
__sing                    __other

Concepts / Skills:

_x_form                  _x_rhythm
_x_style                _x_melody                      
__theory                               __harmony
__singing              _x_listening
_x_technique       __sight-singing       
__playing  instruments
_x_expressive characteristics

Materials / Songs: 
Sounds created

Home Learning / Events: 
Practice                                 Concert

Bella Cedan

Lesson Plan: States of Matter (What causes a solid to become a liquid?)

Content Area: Science

Grade Level: Third Grade

Learning Objectives

  •       The students will learn how to identify different properties and characteristics of liquids and solids.
  •        The students will learn how to understand conservation of quantity. If the same amount of liquid/solid is poured into a different container, the amount remains the same.
  •       The students will learn how to clarify characteristics of solids and liquids.


·         SC.3.N.1.1: Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them individually and in teams through free exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate explanations based on those explorations.
·         SC.3.N.1.2: Compare the observations made by different groups using the same tools and seek reasons to explain the differences across groups.
·         SC.3.N.1.3: Keep records as appropriate, such as pictorial, written, or simple charts and graphs, of investigations conducted.
·         SC.3.N.1.4: Recognize the importance of communication among scientists.
·         SC.3.N.1.5: Recognize that scientists question, discuss, and check each other’s evidence and explanations.
·         SC.3.N.1.6: Infer based on observation.
·         SC.3.N.1.7: Explain that empirical evidence is information, such as observations or measurements, that is used to help validate explanations of natural phenomena.
·         SC.3.N.3.1: Recognize that words in science can have different or more specific meanings than their use in everyday language; for example, energy, cell, heat/cold, and evidence.
·         SC.3.N.3.2: Recognize that scientists use models to help understand and explain how things work.
·         SC.3.P.8.2: Measure and compare the mass and volume of solids and liquids.
·         SC.3.P.8.3: Compare materials and objects according to properties such as size, shape, color, texture, and hardness.
·         SC.35.CS-CS.1.4: Create a simple model of a system (e.g., flower or solar system) and explain what the model shows and does not show.

·         Hair dryer
·         Glass bowl
·         Hershey chocolate bars
·         Wooden sticks
·         Plates, napkins
·         Food to dip in chocolate (possibilities include: marshmallows, pretzels, Rice Krispies Treats, strawberries, and apple slices)

1.      Set up the equipment and materials to prepare for the lesson.
2.      Hand out plates, napkins, sticks, and worksheets to students.
3.      Explain the difference between a solid and a liquid.
4.      Demonstrate with a solid chocolate bar how using a hair dryer can melt a solid into a liquid.
5.      Evaluate the differences between a solid and a liquid.
6.      Allow students to indulge in the chocolate in the bowl, allowing them to dip their food into the chocolate.

1.      Participation.
2.      Enthusiasm.
3.      Completion of worksheets.
4.      Understanding of objectives:
-          The students will learn how to identify different properties and characteristics of liquids and solids.
Ø  Write one difference between solids and liquids on the worksheet.
-          The students will learn how to understand conservation of quantity. If the same amount of liquid/solid is poured into a different container, the amount remains the same.
Ø  Write about the difference between how the bowl was filled with the chocolate bar as a solid and then when it was a liquid.
-          The students will learn how to clarify characteristics of solids and liquids.
Ø  Draw a solid object and then it as a liquid. Describe why they drew it as such.

Laryssa Demkiw

Visual Arts Lesson Plan     Grade : 5th    Date(s)    Time

Lesson: American Sign Language 

ObjectiveStudents will learn the alphabet in and be able to sign their name. They will also learn the importance of ASL and deaf culture.

Sheet of the alphabet in sign language



Differentiated Instruction Strategies: 

 Everyone learns at difference paces, slow down the signs and really make sure the students perfect the hand signs as we go through the letters individually. 


 Students will briefly learn the deaf culture.

Students will look over the sheet of the alphabet in sign.

The teacher will then go through the alphabet letter by letter as the students use the paper guide to follow along.

Students will then individually sign their names to themselves, then they will show their peers.

Depending on how fast the class learns they will then sign their last name, as well as give themselves a “name sign” and learn the importance of them.

Simple phrases such as “how are you,” “my name is,” etc. will be taught to the class depending on how quickly they pick up the lesson.

Subject order (TiToSuVe)


Alphabet (a-z)

My name is, What’s your name, How are you, I am Fine, etc.

 Performance Assessment

 Observation of final product
 Interview with student
 Group assessment (critique)
 Observation of process (student working)
 Self‑assessment by student
   A.  tracking
   B. demonstrates growth
   C. compiles a variety of processes, techniques, and


Jared M Page

Start date: 3/6/19____________________
Music Unit: Recorder Play_______________

Lesson: Learning a Song


The student will:be able to play the notes B A and G on the recorder, as well as a learn a song that they can perform in front of the class .

Activities / Strategies:
Students will learn how to recognize notes and play a song using these notes.

Assesment / Evaluation:
X participation            __ quiz      __ written assignment       __ group
X performance            __ class    X Individual                __ unit test


4.Hot Cross Buns                 
5. B                 
6. A
7. G


__strings      __keyboard     Xrecorders
__Orff / xylophones

Concepts / Skills:

X form                                     X rhythm
X style                                     X melody       
__theory                                  __harmony
__singing                               __listening
X technique                            X sight-singing       
__compose / create
X Playing  instruments
__expressive characteristics

Materials / Songs:
Recorder and Hot Cross Buns

Home Learning / Events: 


Amy Grundleger

Visual Arts Lesson Plan     Grade   1        Date(s)           Time 

Lesson: Graphing, Counting, Surveying

Objective: Students will learn how to graph, count and survey skittles.





 Paper, pen, skittles (lots) or different coloured candy 

Differentiated Instruction Strategies: 

 Each person chooses a blue or pink skittle and uses it has a visual cue to show a graph of who likes what. The other students then write how many people like what option more. Shows if they understand the graph, counting and the survey


Everyone handed each 2 colours, chose one (can eat the other) and make a chat side to side of pasta vs pizza

If the child does it after one instruction they get an A, after 3 instructions B, etc…

Will be a fun and yummy way to explain: surveys and graphing and counting
Students will say how many like who, in a reflection. If they fail to get it right or don’t hand it in it will bring their mark down.


Charts, visual cues, graphs, counting


Charts, visual cues, graphs, counting

Performance Assessment

 Observation of final product
 Interview with student
 Group assessment (critique)
 Observation of process (student working)
 Self‑assessment by student
   A.  tracking
   B. demonstrates growth
   C. compiles a variety of processes, techniques, and
   A. ideas for projects
   B. sketches
   C. teacher‑generated assignments

Base Assessment

 Vocabulary test
 Weekly test
 Unit test

Sketchbook/Journal or Home Learning: 



Danielle Brothers

Start date: 04/15
Unit: 5 Senses 

Lesson: The Senses

The student will learn how to recognize which of their senses is being used when different activities are done. After practicing with the class and teacher, the students will have to take a quiz where they select which sense would be used in certain activities or moments.

 Activities / Strategies:

The teacher will teach the students that they have five senses: sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch. The teacher will then give an example of each sense being used. For example, when students are asked to identify the color of an object they are using sight. After the class has been given an example of each sense, they will take a short quiz in order to see if they understood the lesson.

 Assesment / Evaluation:
__ participation           __ quiz        __ written assignment       __ group
__ performance          __ class      __ Individual                    __ unit test



__strings      __keyboard     __recorders
__Orff / xylophones

Concepts / Skills:

__form                                    __rhythm
__style                                   __melody                  
__theory                                 __harmony
__singing                              __listening
__technique                            __sight-singing       
__compose / create
__Playing  instruments
__expressive characteristics

Materials / Songs: 

Home Learning / Events:  


Julia Ciardullo

Visual Arts Lesson Plan     Grade   3rd    Date(s)           Time 

Lesson:  Art, Mathematics, Social Studies


 Paper, scissors, crayons, history books about the pilgrims 


 Historical books will be provided

Computers to help research any misunderstood information.

Differentiated Instruction Strategies: 

 If students feel more comfortable creating the drawings first and then the outline this is also another way to approach the project.


 Students will learn to implement a story about the pilgrims voyage over to the United States and transfer their interpretation of the historical story into a piece of art.

Students will learn to create an outline in their own words and will create a timeline of specific events they found monumental.

Students will learn to objectify the story by drawing it through their own interpretation.


Pilgrims, transportation

Voyage, objectify


 Performance Assessment

X Observation of final product
 Interview with student
 Group assessment (critique)
 Observation of process (student working)
 Self‑assessment by student
X Portfolio
   A.  tracking
   B. demonstrates growth
   C. compiles a variety of processes, techniques, and
   A. ideas for projects
   B. sketches
   C. teacher‑generated assignments

Base Assessment

 Vocabulary test
 Weekly test
 Unit test

Sketchbook/Journal or Home Learning: 

 They will update their outlines at home every night by conducting some research at home on their own. By conducting research on their own this will enhance their capabilities to find information independently. 


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