Mini-Lessons 21,22,23: Chemistry, Time and The Senses

Time was a concept taught by Cydney

Besides enjoying another set of students' mini-lessons, students were introduced to the concepts of reinforcement and punishment. Please watch the following video to understand in which way they are different and/or similar and how these concepts can be applied in the classroom.


  Play Doh, Clock, Senses
Taught by Alyssa, Cydney and Danielle

Today Alyssa taught about different kinds of chemical reactions such as homogeneous and heterogeneous ones. Danielle instructed students about the senses. Cydney engaged students with the art of telling time by looking at the clock and/or watch, as opposed to their phones.
Students' Feedback


Play doh: this was so interactive and fun. A cool way to incorporate science and art. 

Cydney: she did a great job going through the lesson and following up with an art project

Danielle: the worksheet and activity were worked really well together 


   First presenter

I like how well prepared she was. She had different slides explaining her topic and she had enough materials for every student. The activity she chose was a great and fun activity that will definitely have kids be excited to learn about science. 

   Second presenter 

I liked the idea of the cut out watches and the student writing it in. 

  Third presenter Danielle Brothers

I like that she used skittles for the activity.

Alyssa: Alyssa did a great job creating an interactive lesson.

 Danielle: Daniel did a great job creating a lesson that would actually have us use our senses. 

 Cydney: Cydney did a good job incorporating art in her lesson with decorating the watches.

Alyssa- Alyssa did a great job, I think the class had so much fun making play doh and having something to play with throughout class.

 Cydney- she did a good job and was very prepared, it was nice and hands on being able to draw your own clock.

 Danielle- Danielle had a nice PowerPoint explaining the senses, and skittles were a great and fun incentive to do the work.
Alyssa: Alyssa had a very captivating activity that got the entire class engaged. I wouldn’t have changed a single thing she brought up the topic great and had the entire class work along with her rather than us doing an individual activity.

 Sydney: I liked the power point that she taught us with and being able to make our own clocks was very fun!

 Danielle: I enjoyed learning about the senses and being able to eat skittles.


Alyssa taught us a cool lesson and we got to make play-doh to take home. 

 A really cool assignment and lesson. 


Sydney taught us about math and had a cool presentation and then an interactive classroom assignment. 


Danielle taught us about the senses. The worksheet and skittles helped us pay attention and learn.

Alyssa's presentation was such a fun presentation that got the whole class excited. 

Cidneys presentation was interactive. 

Danielle's presentation was interesting and had a nice treat. 


Alyssa: Her presentation was thought out and very well prepared. She was able to teach the class in a fun and interactive way. 

 Cydney: I loved Cydney’s unique way of teaching the class time. She taught the class in a professional way and was able to teach time in a fun way. 

Play dough- I really likes how we learned how to use household items into science and a fun activity at the same time 

Sydney: Time- I loved coloring the watch and learning how to tell time on an analog clock

Danielle: Senses- it was fun to fill out the worksheets along with the using skittles to use our senses.

 Julia R.
Danielle’s presentation was great! It was a very good idea to show each sense and then use skittles to evaluate each of them.

 Alyssa’s presentation was so fun. I love play doh so this was a fun and interactive lesson plan. She taught it very well too.

 Cydney’s presentation was really good! She explained it really well and then making our own clocks was very fun.

Alyssa- Loved her lesson... I thought it was really fun combining the different ingredients to make a different substance

 Cydney- Informative lesson I thought it was great how we added our creativity making the watch while correctly labeling the time

 Danielle- loved this lesson! It was creative to use skittles as the object to discuss the 5 senses 

I liked that all three lessons incorporated a hands in activity. I particularly like lessons that incorporate activities such as these because I am a visual learner. Visually seeing the concept of the lesson helps me to understand it better.
Julia C.

Alyssa's presentation was very unique and I liked how she used many different materials to form into one, especially because the entire class is familiar with play doh.

 Cydney's presentation was great because she incorporated a lesson plan with art. 

 Danielle's was a great lesson because I actually remember learning about this in elementary school. 


 I think Alyssa did a great job teaching her class at the appropriate level.  Her activity was fun and interactive and it was obvious that the class enjoyed it. 


 She did a good job teaching at the appropriate level.  her presentation was interactive which was nice


  I think her activity was age appropriate and fun.  

Danielle: interactive and fun! Enjoyed her topic

 Cydney: great lesson! Fun and enjoyable allowed creativity

 Alyssa: different and fun, very enjoyable!


I loved Alyssa’s lesson today. I thought it was planned really well and I loved the play dough. Danielle did a really good job and I loved the creativity in her lesson plan! 

Lecture 1 - creating play dough would be great for kids especially since they play with it all the time.
Lecture 2 - telling time is a good and important lesson for kids.

Lecture 3 -  the 5 senses class was entertaining.
Students' Suggestions

Shown a video of the process of the activity for visual learners. Improve on time management when passing out the materials.

Articulate lesson by explaining step by step what students need to do. 
Improve organization skills by assigning each student to a group. 

 Commanded the class by stating clear directions.  

Be aware of the effects of candy on students hyperactive behaviors.

In order to move to the next part of the lesson, the teacher needs to tell students to put their manipulatives (play doh) away.

Use age appropriate words when explaining scientific PowerPoint. 

Use hands on activities to illustrate and have students experience concepts such as the senses.

Give precise measurements to have similar results from all students; for instance, to have the play-doh come out perfect. 
Lessons need to be longer. Expand lessons a little bit more. 

 Make lessons more interactive.
Remember to teach according to age group and grade level.

Be aware of activities that could damage school property and take pertinent precautions.

Make sure students are on task.


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