Mini-Lessons 12,13,14: Baseball, Coins Value and Family Tree

Tate: Family Tree
Concept: Higher Order Play

When mini-lessons ended, we discussed Stiffen Saifer's article Higer Order Play and Its Role in Development and Education. Please, click on the hyperlink to read the article.

Summary: This paper focuses on the role of play in children’s development and as a curricular strategy in an attempt to come to terms with the problem that play is increasingly seen as superfluous for learning, while increasingly viewed as vital for development. The author provides a critical analysis of Vygotsky’s theory of play and the “common” view of the cognitive trajectory of play in development that all forms of play in early childhood lead to games and sports or better social skills in later life. An alternative, bilateral theory of play is presented, postulating that two types of play in early childhood, skill-based play and higher order play (sustained make-believe play involving roles, a scenario, and verbal/social interaction) each lead to different development outcomes: games/sports and higher order thinking respectively. An argument is made for higher order play as a key strategy for good teaching in any grade.

Derrick briefly explained how to use the bat in the game of Baseball. Alex taught the value of coins and how to calculate addition of pennies, dimes, quarters. Megan taught about the importance of one's family tree and how to create one.

Lesson Plan 

Alex Connelly
TAL 324

Lesson Plan: Common Cents


1.      Students will learn the 4 basic coins used in the United States and be able to verbally state them when asked upon.
2.      Students will learn the how much a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter is worth and be able to verbally state their worth out loud when asked upon.
3.      Students will learn to add different coins together by being shown 3 or 4 different coins and mentally adding them together, then sharing that sum with the class.
4.      Students will learn how to create a given amount with coins given to them when told a price.
1.      First, the presentation will be introduced to the students and students will be asked if they can list out the four “common cents.”
2.      Next, to introduce the students to the four cents, a sing-along-song will be played. 

3.      Following this, the instructor will go through each cent, starting with the penny, then nickel, dime, then finally quarter and discuss what they look like and how much they are worth.
4.      Next, an interactive game will be played with the class via the internet. The instructor will project the game, coins will be shown, and students will raise their hand when they know how much the coins add up to. The instructor will then call on a student sitting quietly, with their hand raised and see if they are correct or not. 

5.      After the interactive game is complete, the instructor will hand out worksheets that the students will complete. As they are being passed out, the instructor will give the instructions, and then allow the students 5-10 minutes to complete it.

6.      Finally, the instructor will hand out a few different coins to every student. Next, the instructor will say an amount, for example 30 cents, and have the students put together 30 cents from their pile of coins and raise their hand when they complete this. The fastest student to complete it and raise their hand will get a prize, as long as their amount is correct. If correct, they will tell the class what cents they put together and other students can they say what coins they used. 


1.      Verbally state the 4 coins, penny, nickel, dime and quarter.
2.      Verbally state how much a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter is worth.
3.      Respond to how much multiple coins add up to, upon being shown coins.
4.      Complete a worksheet, as an assessment, to demonstrate they can add coins together to produce a given amount.
5.      Physically manipulate coins to create a total sum, upon being told a given amount. 




Megan: I thought that painting was a great addition to the lesson plan because it kept students engaged.
Derrick: I liked that Derrick did his lesson plan on a subject normally not taught in school.
Alex: I liked that Alex gave us physical money to use when teaching it.


Lesson 1: i really liked the first lesson because it taught real life information. Kids need to learn about money and the value of it so teaching all the values of the different coins is a really useful lesson. I like that she had a PowerPoint explanation an online game and a hands on activity.

Lesson 2: I really liked the family tree lesson because it’s really important for kids to learn about their families and where they came from. Letting the kids paint the trees I think was a great idea because it made it really fun and let the kids be creative in how they wanted to show their family.


Alex’s presentation was very interesting and fun. It was an informative way to learn about money.
Derrick’s presentation was very entertaining and informative.

Julia R.

1- I think Derek’s presentation was good. 

2- I think the cents presentation was really good and fun. Helpful to play the game where we made correct change to reinforce it.

3- Megan’s presentation was great and fun to draw our own family trees. I really liked the painting aspect.


Alex: I like how Alex's activity forced us to use the counting skills we learned in the lesson. I feel like that is something that has been missing from a lot of the lessons we have seen in class. But Alex's activity of having us count out the cents she was saying actually had us thinking and completing the desired skill.

Megan: I liked how Megan's activity incorporated actual artwork. We have not had an activity like that. It was also a more advanced topic; creating family trees. This required us to do some critical thinking when making the fake family tree.

Sydney M.

Derek's presentation on how to swig a baseball bat was good because he actually came to the front of the room and demonstrated the motions that are involved in playing baseball.

Alex's presentation on common cents was really fun and innovative! It was a fun way to get all of the students involved and showed us how counting is necessary and can also be fun!

Meagan's presentation on family tree's was really fun because it allowed us to utilize our creativity in a really fun and exciting way! It is also important to think about your own family tree.


1. He did a good job explaining how to stand, hold, and swing a bat.

2. The money presentation was unique and fun. I liked how she gave us all different cents and made us “pay” for the candy with whatever price she gave. That made it fun and engaging for the class.

3. The family tree project was fun and different. I really liked that we could use watercolor to paint our own family trees.


Baseball bat- Derrick did a great job at explaining the mechanics of swinging a bat well, however his lesson plan was lacking an interactive portion.  He could have done better at integrating the class.

Common cents- Alex did a great job at explaining her lesson to the designated grade level.  I enjoyed her activity.

Family tree- I really liked how Megan taught the information and integrated both a video and an activity so that the class could grasp the concepts better.


1: I liked the idea of squishing the bug, that made a lot of sense to me and helped me understand the movement better

2: this was a very interactive and fun presentation, she did really well utilizing different resources.

3: this was so fun and the connection to art was clear.


I really enjoyed today’s presentations! Derek clearly knew what he was talking about and was very knowledgeable about baseball.

Alex’s presentation was really entertaining and informative. I really enjoyed the game at the end with counting coins. 

Megan’s presentation was really fun! I loved how she brought in paint and taught a lesson that we were able to implement into our own lives.


Teacher 1  - It was very informative on how to swing a baseball bat.

Teacher 2  - i really enjoyed learning about coins and how she had us play many games on how to count correctly.

Teacher 3 - The family tree lesson was also very fun because we got to learn how they work and we got to draw our own family tree.


Lesson One: It was very informative about baseball and how to properly stand with the bat and the ball. You could tell he was interested in the subject, and I like that he made it personal by talking about where he stands based on him being right-handed.

Lesson Two: She turned something every day like coins and made it interesting and fun. The activity was involved and cool.

Lesson Three: She made it personal by talking about her assignment and the classmate's reconnection with family, the video was cute, and the activity was really fun.


1st- it was funny and made the class laugh.

2nd- Alex’s presentation was very well thought out and enjoyable. It seemed like she had really prepared and organized for this. I thought it was beneficial to have a YouTube video further explaining, and she had several activities for us to partake in!

3rd- This plan was fun and enjoyable. She seemed prepared and had all materials necessary. Although, it is difficult to simply paint a family tree when you have a large family.


Alex- I thought Alex had a great lesson! She made it fun as the students were competing to get the correct amount of coins. Learning how to count different coins can be difficult for younger students to making them think fast while competing to complete the task.

Meagan- I enjoyed the painting aspect in Meagan’s lessons but I wish there would have been more direction on what we were exactly painting. Awesome lesson... it’s important to learn about your family history!


The first presentation was about baseball and how to bat and catch. He provided good instruction through demonstration and seemed knowledgeable on the topic.
The last presentation was extremely well done. She began with an informative PowerPoint to introduce the topic of family trees and then let us create our own which was interactive and fun.


Alex: Fun and innovative, enjoyed her activity.

Megan: Well thought out.


 Derrick did a good job talking about a fun topic.
Alex made a good lesson for young kids with a good visual aid.
Megan had a good handle on the class. She could have brought more colors for the class.

Julia N.

Alex’s presentation on cents was really good because it was interactive and she demonstrated it with a video and PowerPoint.

The presentation on baseball was instructive.

The family tree presentation was artistic and the video was cute.


First presenter: he brought a stick to demonstrate how to bat. I liked how he used descriptive words to explain the step by step process of how to hold a bat and how to swing it.

Second presenter:  I like how she started off by asking a question on her topic and then she used a catchy video with music that explained each cent. So by demonstrating a video and then explaining each cent I feel gives a good demonstration on her topic. She also used different ways to teach the subject and I thought that was great and creative. It helps the students to retain the information because there were different forms of teaching the topic.

Third presenter: she started off by explaining her topic and asking questions to get the students involved. She also showed an interesting video which also captures the students attention.

  • Diversify demonstration when teaching sports related subjects (Ex. Video).
  • Demonstrate self-confidence.
  • Get students involved.
  • Have students share their work before the end of the lesson.
  • Presentations could have been longer and more interactive with the students.
  • Make lesson more instructional or longer by letting students learn how to, for instance, hold and swing the bat themselves so it’s more of a learning activity. 
  • Lessons should be taken much more seriously by not encouraging presenters to think it is funny not to be prepared.
  • Be prepared and observe all elements of a lesson.
  • Make sure you have enough manipulatives for everyone in order to facilitate instruction and avoid behavior problems.
  • The interactive part could have been more competitive to get kids into it.
  • Work actively on getting the class to focus and pay attention while; improve classroom management.
  • Be prepared for class by learning how to use the materials used in class beforehand so there won’t be any technical difficulties.



  1. 1. The example for common since was good and very fun.

    2. The family tree activity was unique.

  2. Derrick spoke on one of my favorite sports, baseball. His lesson was very interesting and intriguing to me because baseball is not something that is usually taught when we talk about sports in a school setting.

    Alex's lesson was interesting as well and I thought it was cool how he had props like money for us to engage with. I believe that teaching children about money is a very valuable lesson because money is something that is very important in our everyday lives.

    Megan had an interesting lesson plan as well and talked about the family tree and its important to our individuality. This lesson stood out to me because I am big on family and family means a lot to me.



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