Creativity: Ideas With Value

Sir Kenneth Robinson / Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Students were introduced to Sir Kenneth Robinson and his TED talk on intelligence, creativity and the failure of school systems to prioritize the creative arts to enhance intelligence, teaching and learning.

Summarizing Robinson's talk, one could conclude that education is meant to take us into the future that we cannot grasp. However, children have a great capacity for innovation if the educational system allows them to be creative. Robinson reminds us that creativity now is as important as literacy and it should be treated with the same status. The current educational system educates children out of their creative capacities. The hierarchy of subjects imposed by the educational systems around the world all neglect the creative arts.

Importance Concepts:


  • It is diverse. We think about the world in all the ways in which experience it. We think visually, we think auditorally, we think aesthetically; we think in abstract.

  • It is dynamic, interactive and it the result of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.

  • It is distinct. Each person learns different. Some need to move to think while others need to see, hear, do.

Creativity: The process of having original ideas that have value.


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